At the end of March 2006, the NECSC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Chula Vista, California and the Center for Energy Studies at San Diego State University to establish a permanent research, education and training facility and a technology demonstration site on 5-acres of land in Chula Vista. When the facility is completed in 2008, a new nonprofit organization will be established to operate it and to assume the secretariat role that the NECSC currently performs for the Global Energy Network.
Senior Advisor to the U.S. GEN Affiliate Presents at 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Green & Energy Efficient Buildings & Technologies in Beijing, China.
Israeli & American GEN Affiliates Invited to Present at the 14th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentThe Israeli and American GEN Affiliates are participating along with the United States Department of Energy, Alliance to save Energy and others to present the GEN objectives and other actions spearheaded by the Department of Energy. U.S. GEN Affiliate Unveils "Energy-Smart" Training at the Mayors
Asia-Pacific Environmental Summit in Melbourne, AustraliaThe U.S. GEN Affiliate is collaborating with the U.S.AID, Asian Development Bank, Australian Government, Global Environmental Technology Foundation, ICLEI, KTH - Royal Dutch Institute of Technology and the City of Melbourne, Australia to stage the 4th triennial Mayor's Asia-Pacific Environmental Summit (MAPES) event.
U.S. GEN Affiliate Organizes National Leadership Summits on Sustainability U.S. GEN Affiliate Launches Research Project on Energy-Efficient Community Design & DevelopmentIn collaboration with the State of California; the City of Chula Vista, CA, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE); and the Gas Technology Institute, the GEC is creating a model process and designs for energy-efficient community development. U.S. GEN Affiliate Partners with California Leaders to Create National Energy Center for Sustainable Communities - Future Secretariat to the GENThe GEC and its partners -- U.S. DOE, the City of Chula Vista, California and the Center for Energy Studies at San Diego State University - are creating a National Energy Center for Sustainable Communities (NECSC).
Executive Director of the U.S. GEN Affiliate Presents the Results of the First Global Competition on Sustainable Urban Systems DesignSince the completion of the first international competition on sustainable urban systems design, conducted by the International Gas Union, Doug Newman has delivered many presentation around the world on the subject of Sustainable Urban Design for the 21st Century. |